CareSpot Urgent Care of Lake Mary (2025)

Type of health facility
outpatient clinic for adults, emergency hospital, doctor's office
X ray centre, comprehensive medical check-up
General medicine
traumatology, narcology, psychiatry
Ambulance service
emergency medical care, emergency care for children
Medical examinations and certificates
medical examination, medical certificates

Phone number

(407)333-01...— show

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Lake Mary, FL 32746, 136 Parliament Lp STE 1020 Ste 1020
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5photos CareSpot Urgent Care of Lake Mary

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CareSpot Urgent Care of Lake Mary (3)

Reviews about CareSpot Urgent Care of Lake Mary


/ 137 reviews and234 ratings

Rating is formed based on customer reviews, ratings and telephone surveys.

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  • Duh A.

    November 25, 2022, 5:42 pm

    Nice, quiet, & clean. Great location



    • Company's official reply

      November 25, 2022, 5:58 pm

      Hi,Duh. Thanks for taking the time toshare your positive experience. It's great toknow wewere able tomake adifference.



    • Tanile27

      November 18, 2022, 11:12 pm

      I always goto CareSpot, but this location isa joke, especially compared toothers. Isit clean?Yes, but customer service?No.

      Every time Igo there Barbara (receptionist) has anattitude. Rude, not amicable, and lacks communication. She spends all that time putting oneyeliner inthe morning she should spend some time building people skills.
      As someone who works inhealthcare, every interaction that you have with someone should bepositive! Let them leave feeling happy, but she literally doe

      sn’t even say “good afternoon, how areyou?” or“sorry for the wait” or“I understand your frustration, someone will bewith you soon” —she just sits there looking atyou like the entitled person sheis.

      I’d prefer totravel all the way toOrlando than togo tothis location, and this location isdown the street fromme.

      Owner needs totrain staff. End ofstory.

      – show



      • Ricarrdo S.

        November 15, 2022, 9:57 pm

        Very helpful and professional



        • Company's official reply

          November 15, 2022, 10:21 pm

          Hi, Ricarrdo. Your feedback ishighly appreciated. Thank you for the review!



        • Ashley G.

          November 12, 2022, 6:21 pm

          I was told Ididn’t have anear infection and ended upin the ERtwo days later from continued worsened pain when Idid have anear infection.



          • Maria W.

            November 10, 2022, 6:33 pm

            At the Lake Mary location, Mydaughter and Iwere welcomed byLaura, the front desk associate. She was upbeat, kind, efficient, compassionate and caring. AWESOME! Wewere called back byFarida within 15minutes (we made anappointment). She was kind, thorough and patient withus.Dr. Trach was quick, efficient and spot onwith the diagnosis. Iwould 100% come back tothis location! Iwas impressed bythe service given!



            • Company's official reply

              November 10, 2022, 6:50 pm

              Hi, Maria. Thank you somuch for leaving usa stellar review! Weappreciate you taking the time toshare your experience.



            • Christina T.

              November 5, 2022, 12:14 am

              Came inwith flua. The PAgave meTamiflu, Iasked ifshe was going togive mean antibiotic aswell and was toldno. Two days later Ihave asinus/upper respiratory infection and amcoughing upgreen stuff and when Icall and ask ifI can have anantibiotic now they're telling meI'll need topay for ANOTHER office visit toget what they should have given meoriginally. Clearly they only care about making money and not about the patient.



              • Maryluz V.

                November 4, 2022, 8:06 pm

                If Icould give them 0stars Iwould. Itis the worst experience Ihave had asfar asclinic isconcerned. TheDr. was very rude tome. Iarrived with the concern ofa pain inmy back for more than 30days. Idon't know exactly what causedit, but it's strong and getting worse. Iam amail carrier, the well-being ofmy back isvery important for mywork. Idon't like experiments, much less adiagnosis without atest toproveit. The reason Icame tothis clinic was because itsays they have Xrays inthe locality.Dr. Gregory Ohlrich said itwas amuscle spasm and prescribed medication. Iasked him ifhe would doan xray tomake sure itwasn't something serious and hetold methat itwasn't necessary and pointed tothe exit door tome… Inother words, hekick meout from the place. Ibelieve that asa patient Ihave the right torequest what isthe necessary study toreach aresult and not toexperiment, sothey can provide the correct treatment and the possibility ofit becoming more serious isavoided.
                I have never had such ahorrible experience with adoctor. Ididn't mean totell him how todo hisjob, but Idon't think acute pain lasting more than 30days isa simple thing. And ifso, there are better ways ofsaying things. I'm used tomy doctors getting tothe point without experimenting. This was myfirst time here and definitely the lastone.
                – show



                • Daniel B.

                  October 28, 2022, 9:39 pm

                  Not agood experience, the place looks pretty decent but the staff issomething else. First off Ispoke toMaxine onthe phone she said you could come inas awalk-in but wehave appointments for two and 3o’clock available. Isaid goahead and schedule mefor the 2o’clock she says OKI have you down fortwo. Ishowed up25minutes early inthe event they can take mesooner. Maxine says wecan try just goahead and have aseat. Iwatched two people One was 15minutes late the other 20minutes late goahead ofme finally ata couple minutes totwo Isaid excuse mehow much longer will thisbe. She says ohI moved you upto 3o’clock. Isaid you told meit was gonna be2o’clock and you didn’t tell meyou were moving meup she says well let mesee ifI can fix itanother woman dark curly haired they seem tobe having some kind ofconversation was able tomove meup to215. AsI’m getting ready togo back there the staff isbusy laughing and talking with the UPS driver mocking mefor being frustrated with the service. The woman that conducted myurinalysis Farida told meshe’s been here nine years and nothing has changed it’s gotten worse all the good staff gets fired orleaves. This isa horrible place Iwould not recommend anyone wasting their time coming here. Don’t let the name Lake Mary location for you– show



                  • robert h.

                    October 24, 2022, 4:56 pm

                    The doctor was sokind. Hewas able toget mein and doan assessment. The check instaff was amazing and sokind



                    • Company's official reply

                      October 24, 2022, 5:12 pm

                      Hi, Robert. Weare thrilled tolearn that you had apositive experience withus! Wewill continue tobe here whenever you needus.



                    • Israel D.

                      October 21, 2022, 6:55 pm

                      Not really 8nto the drug screening aspects ofthe place. Iwaited awhile… Skipped by3other patients. Seems like itwas not busy but once inside the lady was nice......



                      • Company's official reply

                        October 21, 2022, 7:13 pm

                        Hi, Israel. Thanks for taking the time toshare your positive experience. It's great toknow wewere able tomake adifference.



                      • Annis H.

                        October 19, 2022, 6:35 pm

                        Staff was professional, experienced and friendly.



                        • Company's official reply

                          October 19, 2022, 6:51 pm

                          Hi, Annis. Weappreciate the kind words and are glad wecould provide you with apositive experience! We're always happy when wecan help you— that's what we're herefor.



                        • Gino R.

                          October 18, 2022, 6:42 pm

                          Short staffed. Waited along time. The only 2employees were nice. This short staff has been anissue for along time. Ihave been inthere quite afew times. Dosomething about this carespot oryou will get more complaints.



                          • Tiffany D.

                            October 12, 2022, 12:16 am

                            I came inas awalk-in and the receptionist told methe wait time for awalk-in would be2hours and told mei could make anappointment for another day ifi didnt want towait. Imade anappointment with for afew days later, myappointment was at10:00AMi arrived 10minutes early but was not called back untill11:40AMand atthat point was then told that not everything ineeded could bedone that day and that iwould have toreturn, ihad toreturn two more times. Iwas mostly upset aboutmy wait time, what was the purpose ofme making anappointment ifi still had such along wait time.– show



                            • Viviana R.

                              October 10, 2022, 2:49 am

                              Walked in7:42PMon aSunday tosee adoctor. Wewere turned away because they had just stopped taking patients for the night. Wewill definitely will not come back tothis location.



                              • Vivavima C.

                                September 28, 2022, 8:30 pm

                                Great availability and centralized location. Facilities are spotless and inviting. Staff isfriendly and accommodating. Return customer. Highly recommendit.



                                • Company's official reply

                                  September 28, 2022, 8:46 pm

                                  Hi, Vivavima. Your feedback ishighly appreciated. Thank you for the review!



                                • Crystal H.

                                  September 25, 2022, 9:19 pm

                                  Friendly staff but noregard for people's time and schedules. Iwas assured when Iset anappointment that itwould not bea long appointment and Iwould beable tobe done within anhour and ahalf. Went infor myappointment and was waiting for anhour and ahalf and still was not called back. Had toreschedule appointment asI was looking atanother hour wait time. Donot recommend this place atall. Ionly came here because Ihave tofor myemployer.



                                  • Linda I.

                                    September 25, 2022, 5:02 pm

                                    Excellent service from the front desk toJosh theP.A.



                                    • Company's official reply

                                      September 25, 2022, 5:19 pm

                                      Hi, Linda. Thank you somuch for leaving usa stellar review! Weappreciate you taking the time toshare your experience.



                                    • V H.

                                      September 23, 2022, 7:42 pm

                                      Was seen quickly and out the door!



                                      • Company's official reply

                                        September 23, 2022, 7:58 pm

                                        Hi,V. Weare thrilled tolearn that you had apositive experience withus! Wewill continue tobe here whenever you needus.



                                      • Chakia F.

                                        September 17, 2022, 4:21 pm

                                        I love this place. Itwas easy and fast!!!



                                        • Company's official reply

                                          September 17, 2022, 4:39 pm

                                          Hi, Chakia. Thanks for taking the time toshare your positive experience. It's great toknow wewere able tomake adifference.



                                        • Mike L.

                                          September 16, 2022, 5:36 pm

                                          Courteous and professional, especially the the physicians assistant who examined and treatedme. Highly recommend this facility.



                                          • Company's official reply

                                            September 16, 2022, 6:25 pm

                                            Hi, Mike. Weappreciate the kind words and are glad wecould provide you with apositive experience! We're always happy when wecan help you— that's what we're herefor.



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                                          Average rating- 4.5based on137 reviews and234 ratings

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                                          Author: Kareem Mueller DO

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                                          Views: 6357

                                          Rating: 4.6 / 5 (46 voted)

                                          Reviews: 85% of readers found this page helpful

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                                          Name: Kareem Mueller DO

                                          Birthday: 1997-01-04

                                          Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

                                          Phone: +16704982844747

                                          Job: Corporate Administration Planner

                                          Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

                                          Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.